Problem solving key success tech world

What is problem solving and why is it key for success in the tech world?

One of the main challenges in everyday life is conflict resolution. In the private, social and work environments, we face various problems that require creative and appropriate solutions. Specifically, when we talk about problem solving in the professional tech world, we are talking about the ability to handle difficult or unexpected situations, as well as […]



Tips for Shorter, More Productive Remote Team Meetings

Tips for Shorter, More Productive Remote Team Meetings

Virtual meetings are essential to remote team collaboration and productivity: they’re a place to align on the same goals, brainstorm, and get work done, as well as a powerful tool for bringing a team together. However, when these sessions are poorly run, it doesn’t take much to ruin the magic. Meetings that lack intention or […]



Employer Branding to Attract Tech Talent

Employer Branding to Attract Tech Talent

The tech industry is growing at incredible speed, tech startups are booming, and exciting new roles become available all the time. Yet while the demand for tech talent has skyrocketed, the supply hasn’t kept pace. Tech talent is scarce. Competition is fierce, and without the promise of progression, benefits, and a great working environment, candidates […]



The Top 5 Soft Skills Every Developer Needs

The Top 5 Soft Skills Every Developer Needs

Gone are the days when the only expectations from developers revolved around their software development skills. Yes, technical skills are and will always be an essential part of the job. However, as technology becomes more integrated with business, it’s the soft skills that will determine their success. This means that, besides being good coders, developers need […]



How to Craft a Killer Onboarding Process for Your Remote Developers: Advice From Tech Leaders

How to Craft a Killer Onboarding Process for Your Remote Developers: Advice From Tech Leaders

What are the best ways and tools to onboarding for the developers? How do you make them feel welcome and part of the team? And how do you connect with them when working remotely? To answer these questions, we invited Gabriel Paunescu, CEO at Naologic, and Vindya Dassanayake, Software Development Team Lead at UCL, to join us for a […]



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