International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women around the world. In the technology sector, women have played an important role in the creation and development of new technologies. However, there are still challenges regarding representation and gender equity. Fortunately, there is a growing number of communities and organizations led by women that seek to address these issues to promote inclusion and diversity in the industry. In this article, we will explain five of these communities, their missions, and the impact they have had in promoting gender equality in the technology sector.

Women Techmakers

Women Techmakers is a global initiative launched by Google to highlight the contributions of women in technology and promote gender equality in the field. Through this program, Women Techmakers provides opportunities for women to showcase their skills and connect with other women in technology through events, workshops, and other initiatives. The program also provides resources and support to help women develop their technical skills. Advance their careers, and make a positive impact in the technology industry. Women Techmakers aims to create a more diverse and inclusive technology community by empowering women to pursue their passions and reach their full potential in technology.

The impact of this community has been significant in promoting diversity and gender equality in the technology industry. Since its launch in 2012, the program has created a global network of women in technology who share knowledge and experiences. Leading to an increase in visibility and recognition of women’s contributions in the field. Additionally, this community has provided resources and support to thousands of women around the world to help them develop their technical skills, advance their careers, and lead in their communities. This program has helped empower women in technology and contributed to creating a more inclusive and diverse technology industry.


Tecnolochicas México is an initiative that seeks to promote the participation of Mexican women in the technology industry. Since its launch in 2019, Tecnolochicas México has worked to create a community of women in technology in the country. Offering mentoring opportunities, training, events, and resources to support the professional development of women in the field. Additionally, the organization has collaborated with companies and institutions to promote inclusion and diversity in the technology industry and to expand opportunities for women in this sector.

The impact has been reflected in gender equality and inclusion in the Mexican technology industry. The organization has provided support and resources to hundreds of women in the technology field. Contributing to an increase in visibility and recognition of women in the industry. Furthermore, Tecnolochicas México has worked to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among women in technology, leading to an increase in innovation and creativity in the sector. Tecnolochicas México is leading the fight for inclusion and diversity in technology in the country. Their work remains crucial in creating a more equitable and inclusive future for all women in the technology industry.

Epic Queen

Epic Queen is an education and training group in technology based in Mexico that aims to empower girls and women in the technology industry. The organization offers workshops, courses, events, and resources to promote women’s participation in technology, fostering their personal and professional development in this field. Epic Queen has worked to close the gender gap in the technology industry and to make technology more accessible and understandable for all women.

The impact of Epic Queen has been significant in technology education and training in Mexico and beyond. The organization has reached thousands of girls and women in the country and has fostered their interest and participation in technology. Additionally, Epic Queen has created a strong and supportive community of women in technology who support each other and share knowledge and resources. This has led to an increase in diversity and inclusion in the technology industry and has created a more equitable and inclusive future for all women in the field. In summary, Epic Queen is leading the way for technology education and training for girls and women in Mexico. Their continued work is essential to creating a more inclusive and diverse technology industry. We invite you to learn about one of its founders, Ana Karen Ramírez, and her entire trajectory.


Laboratoria es a social enterprise that focuses on training and empowering women in Latin America in technology and digital skills. Through their intensive six-month programs, Laboratoria provides low-income women with the opportunity to acquire in-demand technical skills and obtain well-paying jobs in the tech sector. Additionally, the company works closely with businesses and employers to facilitate the job placement of trained women, ensuring greater diversity and equity in the tech industry.

The impact on women empowerment has been significant in the region. Since its founding in 2014, the company has trained over 5,000 women and placed over 80% of its graduates in technology-related jobs. Additionally, women trained by Laboratoria have increased their incomes by an average of 300%, which has had a direct impact on poverty reduction and increased financial inclusion. Laboratoria is making a real difference in the lives of low-income women in Latin America. Their innovative approach to training and employment has proven to be a successful model for addressing the gender gap in this industry. We invite you to learn more about their journey with their co-founder, Mariana Costa Checa.

Girls Programming Club

The Girls Programming Club is an initiative that seeks to promote the inclusion of women in the technology and programming industry. This initiative focuses on providing tools, resources and safe spaces for women and girls to learn and develop skills in programming and technology. Through its workshops, talks, and events, has managed to involve hundreds of women and girls in the world of technology, promoting diversity and gender equality in the industry.

Its impact has been extremely important for inclusion and diversity in the technology industry. The initiative has managed to create a community of women and girls interested in technology and programming, providing opportunities for learning and skill development in high-demand areas. Additionally, the Girls Programming Club has managed to inspire and motivate more women and girls to consider a career in the field of technology. Consequently breaking gender stereotypes and promoting inclusion in an industry historically dominated by men. In summary, this community is making a real difference in the lives of women and girls interested in technology and programming. Its impact on the industry can have lasting effects on promoting gender equality and diversity. María Laura Palacios, one of its co-founders, saw the opportunity to empower women within the technology world, sharing the philosophy that knowledge must be shared with everyone and not just some based on their gender.

We invite you to learn more about women’s empowerment in this article about those who are revolutionizing Latam.