We are hearing more and more about layoffs, their notorious participation in the market and, above all, the impact on the tech world.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, great negative changes were foreseen that there would be both for small and large technology companies. However, so far this year, 788 tech companies have suffered layoffs, adding a total of 120,699 people.

Large companies represent a large percentage of employability in the world. For this reason it is important that the Layoff numbers are large, since depending on the company it is, it will be how the industry is currently behaving.
Meta is one of the most important tech companies in the world. However, on November 9 of this year, approximately 11,000 playoffs were registered in San Francisco Bay. This number represents 13% of the company, along with Amazon which registered more than 10,000 playoffs in Seattle(layoffs.fyi).

One of those affected by this great wave of layoffs has been Twitter Mexico. Which despite not yet having registered numbers, it is estimated that 50% of the workforce was cut by early November. Including Lucía Mendoza, director of “Twitter Next” who was in charge of Mexico, Miami and LATAM. Here is also Bitso, since it excited the market in Mexico and reduced 11% of employees in global numbers(layoffs.fyi).

Why this great wave of playoffs?

According to the business insider, one of the main factors is the drop in value of large technology companies after the high demand that occurred in 2021 thanks to the pandemic. The same situation that startups around the world faced. This study can be found at the following graph, with the change in numbers from 2021 to the end of 2022 being noticeable:

Latin America is not behind in this statistic since companies like “Facily”, “Vtex”, “Loft” and “Bitso” laid off a large number of people between April and August of this year.
It is a situation that is out of the hands of workers and many employers, which is why we must be attentive to trends. As an article in Forbes mentions: you have to be constantly growing, developing your personal brand more and more. Exceeding expectations to be prepared for any situation, always acquiring knowledge, without leaving behind the support and motivation of all those who have seen affected by the #layoffs to find their next challenge.

It’s not all bad news:

In recent months we have managed to communicate with developers who have suffered this wave of layoffs, connecting them with companies that continue to grow and seek to accommodate devs within their organizations. Create your profile at @utopicode to find out about all the active vacancies and find the job that matches you.

Find out here what soft skills are and how they can be very useful to succeed in the tech world.

Sources consulted:



Business Insider

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