The key to success in the tech world does not rely on studies, degrees, publications or lines of code read. The key to success lies in the ability to apply soft skills in your area of work.

But what exactly are soft skills?

Soft skills are the qualities and abilities related to our social and emotional intelligence. They allow us to communicate assertively, resolve conflicts and identify and manage our emotions.

Having soft skills allows us to wisely regulate our interaction with others, plan, analyze and respond to the environment around us. It also enhances our personal qualities and gives us greater self-confidence. In addition, they provide a sense of creativity and empathy essential to build innovative tech projects.

Tech profiles with soft skills are highly valuable to the technology industry because of the skills they possess.

  • 78% of companies evaluate the soft skills of their team members when measuring their performance to consider career advancement in roles (Westmonroe, 2019).
  • And 92% of tech talent managers say that this matter as much as the technical ones when hiring. In In addition they are considered as important as technical skills and it is important to raise awareness of this (Global Talent Trends, LinkedIn 2019).

Despite their importance and impact on industry performance, there are stigmas and prejudices that have created resistance to the development of these skills. One of the most frequent myths about soft skills is that they cannot be learned or improved. It is believed that if you were not born with them, you will never be able to develop them.

Moreover… ¿What is the reality?

This belief is far from reality! Soft skills like any other knowledge and skills are transferable and can be learned at any time in life. They are practiced and improved over time.

It is true that learning them requires hard work, vulnerability and openness. There must be a willingness toward self-knowledge. The process involves identifying our strengths as well as areas of opportunity.

For this we need to be in a state of vulnerability and accept that we are not perfect, that we make mistakes and that this is okay. From this starting point, learning will be deeper and richer.

As an illustration, to put into practice the right ways of communicating with our team, we must first identify what mistakes are made and why our communication is not being effective so that we can then change it.

Now, furthermore let’s understand in depth the role that soft skills have in the development of a professional career. Especially in the technology sector.

Let’s imagine the case of a graduate in the area of technology who starts his career as a Software Developer.

As it usually happens, during this person’s studies at the university they have not had any kind of training in soft skills. Therefore, they come to their first job without any knowledge in this interpersonal area.

In the position as a junior Software Developer and at that stage of their career, this person requires the skills mentioned before, however after all it is not something that they apply to in-depth since their role is focused on being given instructions and completing tasks.

After all…

With the passing of time, with more knowledge and experience as a Software Developer, this person is promoted to a Senior Software Developer role. Moreover this role requires more interaction with superiors, with managers from other areas and with their own team. The interaction with the environment requires soft skills to perform their work efficiently.

And it is those Seniors who demonstrate this skills equally as communication, leadership and problem solving that are promoted as can be seen to a Tech Leader position.

When leading a team, this position requires not only a high level of technical knowledge, but also advanced soft skills. Arguably, these positions are mostly a role where those are used moreover than technical skills.

The differentiator in career success and job growth lies in soft skills.

The responsibilities of leadership jobs require professional management of soft skills for decision making, negotiations, presentation and sale of projects, organization of large work teams, among other challenges.

Now you know the secret to achieving your professional goals. The growth and development of soft skills will not only allow you to develop as a human being but will also provide you with the tools to build your professional career.

Find out your current level in soft skills with this UTOPICODE test and start your professional growth now!

Are you interested in joining a soft skills training program to boost your professional career towards success? We invite you to explore the learning opportunities that UTOPICODE has for you, 100% online courses, remote learning modalities, mentoring and more.

Are you interested in starting a soft skills training and pushing your professional career towards success? We invite you to explore the learning opportunities that UTOPICODE has for you, including 100% online courses, remote learning options, mentorship, and more.