There are a lot of emerging tech trends that are changing the world, but here we will talk about the 2022 ones.

The world is in constant dizzying progress, human beings develop tech tools that help us to facilitate or automate the tasks we are used to. All of this in order to carry out other more complex ones, in an endless cycle.

This spiral has led us to the incredible technological advances that we currently have. When smartphones appeared in our lives, we never thought that they were faster than a computer and that the screens could even be folded.

This is just a small glimpse of what is being achieved today, despite the pandemic and what it could delay in world development. This 2022 has been an incessant technological advance, which continues to change our performance in all areas, although not we want it

Artificial intelligence, super automation, the metaverse and technology applied to everyday life are very interesting and have undoubtedly surprised us in 2022. Below we will delve into the most unleashed for Latin America.

Technologies that have caused the most impact in Latam

Given that the geographical area that concerns us is Latin America, we want to delve specifically into the technological elements of 2022. This had a notable impact, changing or evolving processes substantially after their adoption.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is covering all technological fields, generating solutions that naturally would have taken us years to come up with. That is why its application to practically any area has its advantages. Click here to know more about these topic.

Personalization of the user experience

In this specific case, it is about the implementation by companies to provide greater personalization in the consumer experience. A factor that directly impacts customer loyalty.

In 2021 there was already a notable adoption by the various brands in Latin America, but in 2022 this became massive at all levels.

Security and attack detection

Artificial intelligence is not only widely used in personalization, it has also been adopted as a robust system to improve the cybersecurity of banking and business institutions. Especially the ones in the handling of sensitive user data.

This implementation has given substantial results in the protection of all types of information actively and at a lower cost.

Innovation and opportunities

The use of artificial intelligence in various areas has generated greater innovation in companies that actively apply it. Since it is a versatile technology that does not have a closed or limited application.

With the correct management, it allows the use of opportunities and rapid decision-making in companies. An aspect that many in LATAM have known how to use.

Digital money and blockchain

Physical money, as we know it, its days are numbered, it will not disappear tomorrow. Technological and digital advances are increasingly eclipsing its use, through online payment alternatives or through the blockchain.

From the end of 2021 and all of 2022, even with the sharp drop in the price of crypto, its adoption as a technology only continues to increase.

This makes all the sense in the world, since it is a robust and very secure technology. With characteristics that are more attractive in terms of sovereignty than physical money and classic banking systems.

It is very true that there is still a lack of regulation for digital assets and governments have an arduous task so that their adoption and knowledge is as safe as possible; however, it is imminent.

On the other hand, when talking about the advantages that the blockchain offers and its uses, we can see applications such as metaverses, the decentralized economy, NFTs, among other uses that both businesses and individuals take advantage of or have contact with every day.


Another technology that pleasantly surprises Latin America this 2022 is decentralization. This is nothing more than the opening to the creation and use of open platforms that are not subject to the services of a company.

This comes hand in hand with the blockchain and Web 3, which with their infrastructures will allow this progress towards a world more open to plurality, both individuals and companies.

The proposal comes from open ecosystems where the direct integration of third parties for improvement is allowed. With a free architecture and a collaborative component that encourages development and progress rather than competition.

Virtual reality

Virtual reality is a technology that has been around for several years since it was launched on the market and developed, but in 2022 the adoption in Latam has been exponential, along with 2021.

Trends are directed to these platforms as new spaces to offer services, advertising, products and recreate a second world with their particular dynamics.

The use of controls to manipulate with a certain degree of precision, interact and socialize in a more realistic way, are some of the interesting features offered by this technology, which together with the metaverse have become very popular in Latin American societies.

Be up-to-date so as not to miss any trend or opportunity

Updating and renewing processes is currently indisputable. With the accelerated development of technologies it is very, very easy to fall behind and have a technological gap that decreases the competitiveness of a product, service or a person in the labor market.

Dare to try new trends and from an innovative perspective, apply them in the various processes is the north this year and those to come. It is necessary to keep your eyes open to the future, especially in Latin America, given the rapid growth that is being experienced in these areas.

Adopting technologies gives a competitive advantage in all areas, there are the best business opportunities.

To achieve this, it is very important to establish cooperation channels between companies, universities, small and innovative startups. In this way the market and development of technologies advance in the closest areas, which indisputably helps the entire ecosystem.

That is why Latin American companies and individuals, in the adverse conditions that may arise, must take full advantage of and support technology, more quickly and with a high level of integration.

Discover what we have for you in terms of trends here