One of the main challenges in everyday life is conflict resolution. In the private, social and work environments, we face various problems that require creative and appropriate solutions. Specifically, when we talk about problem solving in the professional tech world, we are talking about the ability to handle difficult or unexpected situations, as well as complex business challenges.

A person with problem-solving skills is highly competent, able to make decisions, execute strategies, prevent risks, communicate assertively and deal with situations under pressure. Problem-solving skills are important in all areas and at all levels of technology profiles.

A technical leader or CTO with a problem-solving background focuses on the future and becomes a problem finder before problems occur. Being a problem solver allows you to think big, creatively and strategically. For this reason profiles with these traits are valued and sought after by technology companies. A problem solver has a greater chance of getting a job and being promoted.

According to the specialist:

Dr. Crystal Morrison, a specialist in macromolecular science and engineering, states in her conference “Becoming a Tech Leader Requires Actually Leading” that the key to success in the tech world is not a matter of studies, degrees, publications or lines of code read. Morrison locates the key to success in the ability to develop positive leadership, including the ability to solve problems, properly communicate a purpose or goal, and promote engagement (TEDx Talks, 2019, 11m39s).

Problem solving is something we all do daily, either in our personal lives or at the workplace. The thing is, finding the right solutions to those problems is not always easy for everyone. Some people are better at it than others. And that’s precisely why developing skills like this is key to standing out in the workplace.

But what do you have to do to effectively find solutions to the problems you face? You will identify these skills to develop so that you are able to solve problems effectively and efficiently by proposing creative and appropriate solutions to each situation.

Here are some tips to start applying this skill, specifically in a tech environment and within tech teams:

  • Usually, most technical problems are people/human problems. Before you start solving a technical problem, it is important to ask yourself the following questions: Are we solving the underlying problem? What is the problem we need to solve? Is this really what the end user needs? Are the actions I am taking solving the real, root cause problem?
  • When dealing with an interpersonal problem, always start by analyzing how you feel and your personal context. Start with what is really going on with you. To understand another person’s perspective, you need to understand yours first. Ask yourself: What is really happening to me right now? Is what I’m feeling actually justified or is it just an emotion? Having identified what I am feeling and why, ask yourself what I ideally want to happen next? This helps to find the right solutions that will be ideal for all parties involved in the problem.
  • Think from the perspective of others. Consider how other people view the problem and the situation. Before making any decisions, gather information from all parties involved in the problem to find out how they view the situation and think of solutions. It may be that their opinion or information will broaden, change or reinforce your own perspective.
  • Be proactive. Try to analyze the whole context and situation. Ask others for help to reach the common goal and objective. Solving a problem is sometimes also about thinking through all possible scenarios and considering the opinions and ideas of everyone involved.
  • Try to think about the possible consequences and impacts of a given action or activity on the entire company. Don’t limit your analysis to what will happen in your area or to your team. Think about the impact on the entire company in the short, medium and long term.


These tips can help you apply problem-solving skills in any context (both personal and professional). Specifically, they will help you solve problem scenarios in technological teams. Remember that to solve any problem it is important to analyze its context, the people involved, the possible consequences and risks.

This will help you make efficient, creative and innovative decisions that will make you stand out as a problem solver in your professional career.

Do you want to learn more key skills for your professional growth and career development?

  • We invite you to learn more about our Upskilling programs in soft skills by UTOPICODE.
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